Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Starless Night

No stars are shining on this night,
No moon is glowing bold—
It’s as if it were a nightmare,
So dark; so still; so cold.

There are no shadows on the lake,
No singing of the birds—
No wind is blowing on this night,
No sound of song or word.

No stars are shining in my life,
No moon to be my friend—
My life is like a nightmare that
Will never have an end.

There are no friends for company,
No chirping of the birds—
No wind, yet many raging storms;
My cries cannot be heard.

Be still, my soul. Oh! Sorrow not,
The sun still shines each day—
So must the darkness have its turn
At times along the way.

© Heather Vires 2005, all rights reserved.

Click here to see my poem featured at Poetry.com --http://www.poetry.com/dotnet/P7216931/999/1/display.aspx